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descriptive correlational design definition by authors 2020

by on 03/14/2023

Importance of Bonding Electrons for the Accurate Description of Electron Correlation in Graphene. A behavioral-level HDL description of SFQ logic circuits for quantitative performance analysis of large-scale SFQ digital systems. Andreev, A V; Kivelson, Steven A; Spivak, B. Electron correlation plays a key role in the relaxation mechanisms that characterize excited states of neutral or ionized atoms and molecules populated by absorption of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) or X-ray radiation. Internet-based rectal screening can reach populations that appear to be at high risk for rectal STIs (18.5% prevalence) and led to the diagnosis of STIs in women who would not have been diagnosed vaginally. deductive. The positions and sizes of viewing zones and the softness of gradients of mean power and astigmatism of personalized lenses were customized to individual viewing preferences. This control law (designated NASA-1A) was flight tested during the Summer of 1994 at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. The other, the loss parameter, is defined as the incremental or decremental change in insertion loss of the filter with incremental change in maximum applied electric field. The need to correctly identify terrain features remains critical in preparation of autonomous planetary landing. Geoscientists should address this challenge by using flexible and efficient tools and platforms. Qualitative studies increased from 1985 (3%) to 2010 (21%). Bivariate correlational analyses showed that older women with poorer functional ability experienced greater chronic daily stress, reported more frequent use of emotion-focused coping strategies, and had a higher chance health locus of control. Based on the new Green Building Evaluation Standard which came into effect on January 1, 2015, the evaluation index system of green building design scheme is constructed taking into account the evaluation contents related to the green building design scheme. Similar to Starr and Katkin's (1969) methodology, subjects were visually presented with each possible combination of four experimental problem descriptions and four sentence completions that were paired and shown twice at each of four lags (i.e., with 0, 2, 8 and 20 intervening variables). For interpretation and discussion, please see the original article entitled, "Designing curriculum to shape professional social media skills and identity in virtual communities of practice" (J. Novakovich, S. Miah, S. Shaw, 2017) [1]. No direct correlation between lifestyle habits and anxiety was found. The greatest advances in language description in recent decades have been done with the help of electronic corpora. The performance of a CCD implementation of the chirp z transform was described, and the design of a new CCD integrated circuit for performing correlation by multiplication in the frequency domain was presented. The RELAP-7 codemore utilizes the well-posed 7-equation two-phase flow model for compressible two-phase flow. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables. CONCLUSION The role description developed as a result of this study brings clarity to the medical directors role in Canadian LTC facilities; the functions outlined are considered important for medical directors to undertake. Alternative Energy Sources: Designing a Wind Powered Generator. We examine consequences of these differences for excess-entropy based scalings of shear viscosity, and we discuss how use of the multicomponent treatment reveals similarities between the corresponding dynamic scaling behaviors of attractive colloids and liquid water that the effective one-component analysis does not capture. The SSF power system is also unique in comparison with terrestrial power systems because it is dominated by power electronic converters which regulate and control the power. Reflecting this need for furthering the comprehensive understanding of spatial implication of UD, this paper aims to contribute for articulating a means to assess the quality of UD in architecture. Several program characteristics are found to be related to measurements of educational program quality. Chernew, Michael E.; Sabik, Lindsay M.; Chandra, Amitabh; Gibson, Teresa B.; Newhouse, Joseph P. Objective To investigate the correlation between geographic variation in inpatient days, total spending, and spending growth in traditional Medicare versus the large-firm commercial sector. Only a limited number of studies have explored nurses' provision of parental guidance regarding the use of nonpharmacologic methods in children's pain management. We employ CorrNet for several cross-language tasks and show that the representations learned using it perform better than the ones learned using other state-of-the-art approaches. Results showed that 10% of the patients perceived noise levels in the OR as very high and experienced the noise as annoying, disruptive, and stressful. The design is verified for Xilinx Kintex UltraScale device in simulation and the implementation results are given in terms of device utilization and power consumption estimates. For the design problem without considering the correlation weights, we develop a simplified algorithm, which only requires a few fast Fourier transform (FFT) operations and is more efficient. 1584 note, in Customs efforts to prevent the smuggling of controlled Jordanian Men's and Women's Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence and Its Correlates With Family Functioning and Demographics. Descriptive Correlates of Urban Pediatric Violent Injury Using Emergency Medical Service Patient-Level Data. Here, particular mathematical features of pCCD and CCD0 are exploited to avoid these problems in an efficient manner. Interview data were content coded to the interview guide and reviewed by multiple research staff to estimate feasibility according to stepwise completion rates, perceptions of difficulty in step completion, and perceptions of overall utility. Metabolite profiles primarily concerning low-molecular-weight hydrophilic components were based on gas chromatography with time-of-flightmass spectrometry (GC/TOFMS). This paper presents the findings of a research on the attitudes of design students toward the use of computers in design and its correlates. The functional design specifications give the detailed description of the system design using top-down structured programming methodology. Self-reported characteristics of participants were examined, and correlates of rectal STI positivity were analysed. A monotonic decrease with added noise was observed for the N170 at right hemisphere sites but was less clear on the left and occipital central sites. In this work, we present a new approach for the design of composite filters based on multi-objective combinatorial optimization. As a BigEarth platform [4] component, WorDeL represents the means by which the user interacts with the system, describing processing algorithms in terms of existing operators and workflows [5], which are ultimately translated into sets of executable commands. We examined this question in 20 people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and in 20 cognitively intact individuals. Molebatsi, Keneilwe; Ndetei, David M; Opondo, Phillip R. To determine levels and correlates of caregiver burden among caregivers of children and adolescents with psychiatric morbidity. Volume 4: IPAD system design. The cumulative incidence of BPD in the population aged 25 years or younger was 11.6/10,000 in 2008. Levels of both the diagnostic tissue destruction biologic markers ALP and AST are significantly higher in cylindric MSIs compared with hybrid MSIs, indicating a correlation to the type and method of placement of the MSI. 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Self-contained breathing apparatus; description. Patients and Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study in which a nursing audit checklist was designed and validated for assessing nurses compliance with nursing process. A hierarchic regression analysis revealed that the perceived social support and internal health locus of control significantly contributed to the prediction of life satisfaction after demographic, illness-related, and stress-related variables were controlled. In-situation safety behaviors among patients with panic disorder: Oscillatory wake potential with exchange-, Magnetocrystalline anisotropy in cobalt based magnets: a choice of, Determinants of participation in colorectal cancer screening among community-dwelling Chinese older people: Testing a comprehensive model using a, Cryogenic Orbital Nitrogen Experiment (CONE): Phase A/B, Do higher dispositions for empathy predispose males toward careers in nursing? The interactions among the elementary components of many complex systems can be qualitatively different. Interestingly, however, we did not observe a correlation between genome packaging and calculated structural disruption; a majority of the chimeric capsid proteins formed at least partially assembled capsids and more than half packaged genomes, including those with the highest SCHEMA disruption. However, the study found that students' self care capacity was significantly different at the end of the study period. A Closer Look at Descriptive Correlational Method of Research Longitudinal cohort study based on the annual health exams of 5,400 workers of a car assembly plant in Figueruelas (Zaragoza, Spain). Intuitively it is felt that there should be a level of description of the phenomenon which, Pairwise Trajectory Management (PTM): Concept Description and Documentation. Descriptive statistics were utilized to identify socio-demographic characteristics and Internet use of participants, and the total sum of eHealth literacy scale was used as a dependent variable . This is despite an urgent necessity for developing the theoretical basis and practical applicability of UD. Second, the response to that need was done in an effective and sustainable manner. Image matching experiments on the well-known patch data set and Oxford data set demonstrate that RFD significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art binary descriptors, and is comparable with the best float-valued descriptors at a fraction of processing time. Descriptive approaches to landscape analysis. Contents include the following: Mission Overview. We contrast our results, which include multiple scatterings of each quark off the target, to the Glasma graph approximation, where each quark suffers at most two gluon exchanges with the target. A need exists among medical students to develop a clinically correlated anatomy program that will maximize their learning experience, improve their performance and allow them to make moreinformed career choices. Furthermore, safety and security emerged as correlated concepts, with security issues bearing implications for safety, thereby suggesting important associations between safety, security, and efficiency. Thermal Analysis Results Summary. The design of this 8 MW reference wind turbine has been checked and validated by the design consultancy DNV-GL. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Simulation-Based Clinical Correlation Curriculum as an Adjunctive Pedagogy in an Anatomy Course. This is compensated for in hybrid functionals by mixing in HF exchange. As prescribed in 14.201-6(p)(1), insert the following provision: Descriptive Literature (APR 2002) (a) Descriptive literature, as used in this provision, means information 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Descriptive Literature. As height increases, weight also increases. The present research addresses the issue of reliance on decision support systems for the long-term (DSSLT), which help users develop decision-making strategies and long-term planning. Various staffing measures have been used in examining the relationship between nurse staffing and patient outcomes. For diverse reasons we shall see that random matrices play an important role to describe a null hypothesis or a minimum information hypothesis for the description of a quantum system or subsystem. Beebe, Lora Humphrey; Parker, Carla Renee. This chip provides a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) or inverse DFT, multipliers, and complete support circuitry for the CCD CZT. The radiographic active inflammation score demonstrated a strong positive correlation with endoscopic score (r = 0.83; P = 0.0004), but only a weak nonsignificant positive correlation with histopathologic score (r = 0.492, P = 0.087). However, the relationship between the N170 and the multiple face-sensitive activations observed in neuroimaging is unclear. This descriptive study used a sample of 24 leaflets designed by trained nurses in a large teaching hospital. This work is based primarily on barium strontium titanate (BSTO) ferroelectric thin film based tunable microstrip filters for room temperature applications. This facility was designed to provide realistic environments and times for testing thermal protection systems proposed for use on high speed vehicles such as the space shuttle. The majority of articles were classified as level II of evidence (60%), followed by level III (29%) and level I (10%). The model settles component oriented environment for both hardware modules and software application. Designing an Elective Course on Gelotology, The purpose of this capstone project was to design a course description on gelotology, the study of laughter, at a XYZ Institute. Study findings also provided evidence that adolescent males are moving from lone rape to gang rape in intimate partner relationships. Design synthesis of digital systems. Descriptive research design helps in gathering information that will display relationships between variables without changing the environment (U.S Department of Health and Human Services: The Office of Research Integrity, n.d.). Articles were analyzed descriptively and using the evaluative method to determine study quality. It is thus possible that abstract descriptions are (1) perceived as having less evidentiary strength than concrete descriptions, and (2) understood in context (i.e. Distinguishing Features and Similarities Between Descriptive Phenomenological and Qualitative Description Research. Social support was positively associated with HbA1c levels such that participants with uncontrolled glycemic levels, as evidenced by higher values for HbA1c, received more support from their social network. The findings from the current study will help develop appropriate interventions for these students and inform future research. In spite of its many uses, prudence is required when using the methodology and analysing data. We develop and compare different methods for blinded estimation of the correlation coefficient that are less likely to introduce operational bias when the blinding is maintained. Fast Face-Recognition Optical Parallel Correlator Using High Accuracy Correlation Filter. They believed receipt of information helped them cope and desired a better system of communication during mechanical ventilation. It is shown that the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) hybrid functional with the screening parameter of 0.15 -1 outperforms conventional exchange-correlation functionals and other popular hybrid functionals regarding description of band structures in SiC. Incorporating Descriptive Assessment Results into the Design of a Functional Analysis: A Case Example Involving a Preschooler's Hand Mouthing. Developing a national role description for medical directors in long-term care, Rahim-Jamal, Sherin; Quail, Patrick; Bhaloo, Tajudaullah, OBJECTIVE To develop a national role description for medical directors in long-term care (LTC) based on role functions drawn from the literature and the LTC industry. These results suggested that cancer patients with a high degree of perceived stress are likely to be high in anger-out and anger-in. Difference Between Descriptive and Correlational Research Setting Participants were recruited from a medical-surgical intensive care unit in the Midwest United States. Publication and presentation of this document marks the final requirements and design freeze for SSTI. Overall, 61% of the participants presented moderate to very serious anxiety. It is based on the IDEF0 activity modeling language (Integration DEfinition for Function modeling). This paper discusses the design and analysis of randomized clinical trials that allow arbitrary correlation among all randomized volunteers. Finally, application of the TAM process is demonstrated with an experimental test configuration of a ten bay cantilevered truss structure. The perceived stress in cancer patients indicated a significant positive correlation to anger-in(r=.288, p=.000), anger-out(r=.232, p=.001), and depression(r=.68, p=.000), but no significant correlation to anger-control. J. Phys. The FTI, with its broad systems and non-pathologic factors complements existing personality questionnaires. Approximate correlations for chevron-type plate heat exchangers. A detailed functional description of signal processing is presented, including C/A-channel and P-channel processing, carrier-aided averaging of group delays, checks for cycle slips, acquistion, and distinctive features. Ienca, Marcello; Wangmo, Tenzin; Jotterand, Fabrice; Kressig, Reto W; Elger, Bernice. Deficiencies in the. Concerning the metric properties of the Greek-Cypriot version of the CDI, internal consistency reliability was adequate (Cronbach's alpha=0.84). A, Basic School Teachers' Perceptions about Curriculum, Quantitative Near-field Microscopy of Heterogeneous and, A Multi-Collaborative Ambient Assisted Living Service. This was similar to the results of other studies and meant that patients may have difficulty comprehending the information. Study I used a true reversal design to examine the relation between descriptive praise and diversity during art activities. 52.214-21 Descriptive Literature. The application of the criteria to experimentation is explained. Analysis included correlational and comparative statistics; Bonferroni corrections were applied, as appropriate. Six percent of the adolescent males reported they had raped an adolescent girl in the past. Although quadratic filters are known to be optimum when the data is Gaussian, it is expected that they will perform as well as or better than linear filters in general. (4) How did healthcare leaders consider input from the staff in design decisions? Correlating Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance Among Jordanian Hospitals' Registered Nurses. Another great advantage of the method is that it is suitable if time or resources are limited. A Comparison of Descriptive and Functional Analyses of Inappropriate Mealtime Behavior. One technique that may solve this problem is optical correlation. More research about the relationships among feeding readiness, outcomes, and opportunities is needed. Some recently described extensions to the classic SWD incorporating multiple treatments are also compared using the experimental design framework. I - Instrument description. Time series, correlation matrices and random matrix models, In this set of five lectures the authors have presented techniques to analyze open classical and quantum systems using correlation matrices. Regression analysis indicated working in medical-surgical wards, recognizing and expressing emotions scores ( = 0.186, p = .048), and controlling emotions ( = 0.255, p = .027) explained 19.1% of variance in nurses' job performance. This section reviews three types of descriptive research: case studies, surveys, and naturalistic observation (Figure 3.3). Test results and measurements of performance on the full-size machine are presented. The design description, drawings, available analysis, and safety analysis were reviewed by a peer group. These representations are discrete in that they are considered to comprise finite combinations of "components" which are selected from a fixed and finite repertoire, and which designate certain simple pattern properties or features. With the increase m the growth of health usage and monitoring systems (HUMS) in commercial and military domains, the need far the design and evaluation of HUMS architectures has also been on the increase. The loss parameter varied from 0.05 to 0.01 dB/cm/kV at room temperature. Predicting negative drinking consequences: examining descriptive norm perception. Twenty-one participants completed salivary cotinine measures. Both respondents' sex and the perceived sex of the design professional had significant effects on the perceived sexual orientation of the design professionals. 2017 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. [Evidence based practice of nurses working in university hospitals in the French speaking part of Switzerland: a descriptive and correlational study, Gentizon, Jenny; Borrero, Patricia; Vincent-Suter, Sonja; Ballabeni, Pierluigi; Morin, Diane; Eicher, Manuela. Parents' knowledge, attitudes, use of pain relief methods and satisfaction related to their children's postoperative pain management: a descriptive correlational study. Involving parents in children's pain management is essential to achieve optimal outcomes. Studies published in 2005-2010 were compared as a cohort against studies published in 2011-2014, in terms of general characteristics and reporting quality. Descriptions were elicited in a referential communication task where shared information was manipulated, and in a guessing game where clues had to be provided about the identity of an object that was hidden from the addressee. To verify the calculation, 9 of 11 container ships' data were improved as data of Neuro-Fuzzy system and the others were improved as verification data. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed CorrNet is better than AE and CCA with respect to its ability to learn correlated common representations. We introduce the concept of entropic nonsignaling correlations, i.e., entropies arising from probabilistic theories that are compatible with the fact that we cannot transmit information instantaneously. Excellent performance is also confirmed for other fundamental material properties including elastic constants and phonon frequency. 75 FR 43467 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability; Movie Captioning and Video Description. Results : of the 221 nurses in this study, only 67 were familiar EBP (30%). Ander, Douglas S; Wallenstein, Joshua; Abramson, Jerome L; Click, Lorie; Shayne, Philip. In this paper, the working waveband of adopted infrared CCD detector is 8-12m. Nguyen, Manh Cuong; Yao, Yongxin; Wang, Cai-Zhuang. Implications for designing DSSLT and decision support systems in general are discussed. These results are consistent with the assumption that GPIU is related to the social aspect of the internet (e.g., online chatting) and arises from the unique communicative environment found online. Thompson, David C.; Pebay, Philippe Pierre. However, no moderators of the association between descriptive norms and pregaming frequency were observed. Descriptive findings provide some information about areas of growth among graduate students' in the first years of their, Parton model description of multiparticle azimuthal correlations in p A collisions, Dusling, Kevin; Mace, Mark; Venugopalan, Raju, In [1], an initial state parton model of quarks scattering off a dense nuclear target was shown to qualitatively reproduce the systematics of multiparticle azimuthal anisotropy cumulants measured in proton/deuteron-nucleus (pA) collisions at RHIC and the LHC. Both situations are unfavourable as the first one decreases the power and the latter one leads to a waste of resources. Overall, the SCHEMA algorithm may be useful for delineating quantitative design principles to guide the creation of libraries enriched in genome-protecting virus nanoparticles that can effectively transduce cells. Of the 13 patients who underwent endoscopy and biopsy, the total radiographic score demonstrated a strong positive correlation with endoscopic score (r = 0.81; P = 0.001) and a moderate positive correlation with histopathologic score (r = 0.56; P = 0.047). Subjects were 39,913 anonymous members of a US Internet dating site and 70,000+ members in six other countries. The average score on the Hamilton scale was 13.82 (9.000), with men exhibiting less stress than women. WorDeL, unlike other description alternatives such as Python or shell scripts, is oriented towards the description topologies, using them as abstractions for the processing programs. While the conventional way to design local descriptor is based on expert experience and knowledge, learning-based methods for designing local descriptor become more and more popular because of their good performance and data-driven property. Survey research allows you to gather large volumes of data that can be analyzed for For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to Recent publications have drawn attention to the idea of utilizing prior information about the correlation structure to improve statistical power in cluster randomized experiments. Personalized Progressive Addition Lenses: Visualization of synchronization of the uterine contraction signals: running cross-, Stereo Orthogonal Axonometric Perspective for the Teaching of, Nurse and patient factors that influence nursing time in chest tube management early after open heart surgery: A, 14 CFR 21.97 - Approval of major changes in type, Is social support universally adaptive in diabetes? A distinction is made between journals that are entirely tangible and those that contain, Bergman, Lawrence David (Inventor); Mohan, Rakesh (Inventor); Li, Chung-Sheng (Inventor); Smith, John Richard (Inventor); Kim, Michelle Yoonk Yung (Inventor). 1 Correlational Research: Importance and Use in Nursing and Health Research Authors: Elizabeth A. Curtis1, Catherine Comiskey2 and Orla Dempsey3 Abstract Purpose: Discuss key issues and considerations about correlational research and put forward suggestions for averting potential problems during preparation and application of the design. Odor activity values (OAVs) of the aroma compounds were calculated to understand their contribution to the overall aroma. The Langley turbo-prop commuter design: A complete project description, Buttram, Greg; Horton, Keith; Keeter, Tim; Millhouse, Paul; Newberry, Kelli; Obyrne, Brian. Correlational Research - Research Methods in Psychology In this work, we propose an AE-based approach, correlational neural network (CorrNet), that explicitly maximizes correlation among the views when projected to the common subspace. The generated shapes are well suited for numerical analysis with 2D flow solving software such as XFOIL. The equilibrium density operator for fermionic fields developed by Cahill and Glauber is thus extended to a dynamical context to show that the mathematical structures of both the correlation functions and the weight factors closely resemble their bosonic counterpart. descriptive correlational design: Topics by Because of the field`s relatively small reserves (mean 118 mmbbls), the performance of each of the 10 or so horizontal wells is highly important. This type of design does not administer any kind of treatment (s) to the. Parameters and designs for heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and lighting are given. Methods College student drinkers (N=198, 63% female) participated in an online survey assessing frequency of pregaming, descriptive norms, and hypothesized moderators. Instrumentation description is also given including optics, detectors, and electronics. Yamamoto, Shinya; Bamba, Takeshi; Sano, Atsushi; Kodama, Yukako; Imamura, Miho; Obata, Akio; Fukusaki, Eiichiro. A cross-sectional and descriptive correlational design was used. Caregiver burden and correlates among caregivers of children and adolescents with psychiatric morbidity: a descriptive cross sectional study. Pattern recognition may supplement or replace certain navigational aids on spacecraft in docking or landing activities. It provides an index of some brain systems that contribute to temperament, and may be useful in psychotherapy, business, medicine, and the legal community. Setting: Biomechanics research laboratory. We report intra-cluster correlation coefficients observed within a large-scale cross-sectional study of general practice in Australia, where the general practitioner (GP) was the primary sampling unit and the patient encounter was the unit of inference.

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descriptive correlational design definition by authors 2020